No radiation, no charge.

Wondering if you might be wasting money on an assessment?

Because the EMF problem is so prevalent, we are happy to offer a risk-free guarantee. If we don’t find any concerning levels of radiation, we will leave you with the good news free of charge.

The fine print:

This guarantee applies to homes within a 30min drive from the Geovital Consultant’s place of business (time distance as shown on Google maps directions)

For this guarantee, concerning levels are defined as:

Magnetic field of 0.7 mG or higher (especially in bedrooms this level should ideally be lower)

Electric field on the body in bed higher than 30 V/m

Radio frequency on the body in bed higher than 30 µV

When levels found are under these values for all 3 types, you may choose to stop the assessment early and receive a full refund.

This guarantee does not apply to houses that already have some measure of radiation shielding installed in the form of shielding paint or circuit cut-off switches.

However, the following products do not disqualify you for our guarantee as we have found that they don’t seem to affect radiation levels:

Products that claim to neutralize, balance, eliminate or harmonize EMF’s, using methods such as crystals, copper, ions, magnetic field generators, or unspecified “technology”.

Dirty electricity filters (these often function well, but don’t address the other 3 types of radiation.

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